Unfolding the Vivian Maier mystery...

Vivian Maier, Self Portrait

I have some information to share about Vivian Maier. I met with two of the people Vivian was a nanny for in the 1950's and early 1960's today. They gave me some information that contradicts what I heard from other sources (this source is accurate). But, all in all, she is still somewhat of a mystery, even to them.

Vivian came here from France in the early 1930's and worked in a sweat shop in New York when she was about 11 or 12. She was not Jewish but a Catholic, or as they said, an anti-Catholic. She was a Socialist, a Feminist, a movie critic, and a tell-it-like-it-is type of person. She learned English by going to theaters, which she loved. She wore a men's jacket, men's shoes and a large hat most of the time. She was constantly taking pictures, which she didn't show anyone.

I have many very interesting stories and peculiar facts about Vivian but, I'll wait to share them in the book. If all goes well, I'll share the specifics shortly.

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