"Poll After Poll Shows That Both National Parties Are Deeply Unpopular With An Electorate Looking For Something New And Different"

As I noted a year ago:

Famed trend forecaster Gerald Celente is predicting that a third party candidate will be elected President in 2012....


The willingness of Obama/Emanuel so blatantly to disappoint those to whom they promised so much (especially young and first-time voters who were most vulnerable to Obama's transformative fairy dust) will lead them either to support a third party or turn off from politics altogether.

What About the Right?

The Washington Examiner writes:
The fact that just doesn't register with Washington GOP establishmentarians is that the Tea Party Protests seen around the country in April were aimed as much against them as they were against the tax and spending policies of Obama and the Democratic Congress.
There are millions of libertarians and traditional conservatives (or "paleo-conservatives", in contrast to Neo-conservatives) in the U.S. who are very unhappy with the direction the Republican party has taken in recent years.

Post-Partisan Coalitions

There are many millions of liberals and conservatives who have become disgusted by their parties and have started judging candidates based upon what they are actually doing.

As just one example, there are millions of Americans who would support either Ron Paul as president and Dennis Kucinich as vice president or the other away around. Why? Both challenge the status quo, and have proposed legislation which will actually help the American people.


Based on the above trends, I believe that Celente could be right. A third-party candidate could win in 2012.

Now, a new Gallup poll shows that the majority of Americans - 58% - say that both the Republicans and Democrats are doing such a poor job representing the people that a new, third party is needed.

And even the Washington Post writes:

Poll after poll shows that both national parties are deeply unpopular with an electorate looking for something new and different.

Pundits claim that the Republicans will gain quite a few Congressional seats in November. But even if they do, it doesn't mean that Republicans are regaining popularity.

As the Post article notes:

[Pollster Glen Bolger said]: "This is the first time where there has ever been data like this - where the party poised to take control has not improved its image ...."
Indeed, the American people are acting like a guy standing on hot sand hopping back and forth from one foot to the other. He doesn't like how the burning sand feels on either the left foot or the right foot.

He just knows he's getting burned, and can't wait to get wait to get somewhere cooler. The American people know they're being burned by both parties, who are serving the big banks and military-industrial complex at the expense of the little guy.

Come 2012, the American voter might sprint off of the hot sand of big-money-parties-fleecing-the-little-guy altogether for more welcoming turf: a party which does more than just talk populism, but actually stands up to the powers-that-be.

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